

psychosomatics, visual impairment, ophthalmology, visual diseases, myopia


The article discusses the main concepts associated with the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases related to the eyes. Psychosomatic phenomena in this area have not yet been sufficiently studied, which may reduce the effectiveness of prevention and treatment. The work focuses on psychoanalytic, characterologically oriented and psychophysiological concepts, as well as theories related to the peculiarities of human development. The importance of psychophysical balance for the prevention of psychosomatic disorders is emphasized and the need for conducting more profound psychological studies is acknowledged.

The importance of the topic stems from the inadequate research on the issue of psychosomatic factors in ocular desease, while the number of people with various visual impairments is gradually growing.

To date, sufficient material has not been accumulated to make a connection between psychosomatic factors and visual diseases. The aim of the research is to pinpoint the primary psychosomatic factors that result in loss of vision. The objectives are to review the scientific literature on this topic and summarize the findings.

In the course of the study, a number of national and international scientific publications were examined in regards to the matter of psychosomatics and visual organ diseases.

It has been established that psychosomatic disorders can be caused by both external factors and internal emotional states. In order to prevent and treat these disorders, it is important to consider their mechanisms and the specific characteristics of each patient.

Now, however, there is not enough theoretical and practical material that would help to identify the relationship between certain psychological problems and visual diseases. Thus, psychosomatic factors of visual impairment require further research.


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How to Cite

Руденко Татьяна Олеговна. (2023). PSYCHOSOMATICS OF THE EYE DISEASES. International Conferences, 2(4), 33–39. Retrieved from