
  • Ismailova Angelina Ilgarovna Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Krasnodar, Krasnodar Krai, Russia


The article reveals the role of physical education in human life. It illustrates the importance of physical activity for human health. It shows the positive effect of physical activity on human performance and the state of the internal systems of the body. Analysis of programs aimed at supporting young people in resuming or starting physical education classes. It demonstrates the need to incorporate physical activity into people's daily lives, especially university students. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, the younger generation is less interested in physical exercises, sports clubs, morning exercises or even a simple walk in the fresh air. The structure of the lifestyle is expressed in dependent and coordinating relationships in which various types of life activity are located. Students are the main labor force of our country and the future personnel reserve. The further development of our country in the field of technology, science and sports depends on them. Physical culture not only increases the endurance of the entire human body, but also helps to develop spiritual harmony, resist stress and nervous tension.


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How to Cite

Исмаилова Ангелина Ильгаровна. (2023). PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS IN THE LIFE OF MODERN YOUTH. International Conferences, 2(2), 19–22. Retrieved from